About the Newsletter

The newsletter is a hybrid of guest writers with illustrations from Monique Jackson discussing topics about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Still Ill Corona Diary Creator’s statement:

I am Monique Jackson, an artist and Long Covid Advocate.

I fell ill in March 2020 from a suspected infection of COVID-19 - I thought I was getting better but in July 2020 relapsed and was bed bound for a week struggling to breathe but not ill enough to be admitted to hospital.

It was during this time I started The Still Ill Corona Diary - a graphic journal documenting my experiences of the condition now known as Long Covid.

Since then I have shared resources of other patient online communities, taken part in collaborations, co-designed workshops, give online talks, participated in funding research calls and commissioned to create more artwork.

Check out www.stillillcoronadiary.com for further info on creative projects

Subscribe to Covid Culture Newsletter - Still Ill Corona Diary

An illustrated newsletter offering inspired and alternative perspectives of the COVID-19 pandemic


Shared Illustrated Experiences of the Pandemic